Season 4 (Spoiler)


Austere Gaming Scholar
Jun 22, 2011

Hello, this is Misaya from Team WE. S4 testing in Los Angeles concluded just a few days ago, so today I'm here to share some of the changes.

**Firstly, I think these S4 changes will make the game more competitive and interesting.**

In the S4 preseason tournaments, **there will be much fewer level 1 fights**. Minions spawn at 1:00 and jungle camps spawn at 1:30 (on the test client now, but subject to changes). The appearance of Trinkets (3 abilities: a 60s ward, clairvoyance, and a small stealth detection) will let level 1 fights be less feasible. Level 1 fights will be very rare in future ranked and tournament games. Another thing to note is that the gold from First Blood before 4 minutes is also reduced to 240. Who would sacrifice lane experience for so little gold in a level 1 fight?

The changes to the vision system and the positions of bushes will let skirmishes happen more often. **Whoever can best utilize the new Trinkets (a 7th item slot dedicated to vision items) will directly decide your vision control and come out ahead in skirmishes.** How to use Trinkets should be the first thing to learn; they are definitely the most important items in this version of the game.

Big changes to the assist system and support role will let the **support have more carrying power.** In this version, supports can get gold from various sources (masteries, assists, towers, new items, and the gold ADs obtain). In the testing, I found out that gold from assists are just way too much. During testing, Madlife would always have a lot of items. One time, when he was supporting me, he had Philosopher's Stone, Ruby Sightstone, and potions before 8 minutes. We won that match easily. If support and AD can win bot lane, the support can definitely carry. I believe many different supports will appear in future tournaments :)

The changes to jungle involve a new jungle camp and itemization changes. I've got to say that right now, **the gold increase from jungle items is too much**, especially Wriggles Lantern (giving an additional 40% gold of jungle creeps in testing). Several other items also give pretty good gold. The increase to assist gold will let the jungler, who is already roaming all game, get more gold. The new jungle camp is definitely a blessing in the preseason. It gives decent experience and gold, and isn't hard to take down. It also gives balance to the map, letting every quarter of the map have 3 jungle camps, making jungle diversity richer.

The S4 changes are definitely interesting, and we had a lot of fun in testing. Support is no longer negligible, and the changes to masteries also let AP become more interesting. Although support and junglers are becoming stronger, the damage of AP and AD will also increase due to masteries changes. **This version of the game will need the AP to be more active in roaming in tandem with the jungler, since there are more resources to contest on the map**. How to help the jungle and other lanes get more jungle resources and tower gold will the main objective of the new season.

During testing, we found that every game proceeded very quickly. The gold increase from first tier turrets (the killer of the first tier turret will get 250 gold + 75 gold to everyone), will let the game develop faster. On the whole, the game rhythm will develop from active early game fights: towers, dragon, and buffs will all become extremely important objectives to contest. The Sightstone will also let the winning side get more chances to attack, while the defending side will also have some ability to strike back.

The changes to Baron buff (the buff holding side will receive a buff similar to Mobility boots and a percentage increase to tower damage). So with the buff, the speed of taking down towers is like...I think a TF with Lich Bane and Deathcap can take down an inhibitor turret in 2 blue cards? Baron buff no longer gives any fighting power, so the defending side has to actively attack, or else the towers go down way too fast.

After testing, I am truly looking forward to the preseason. This will definitely be a very fun version. We'vce been playing the S3 version for a very long time. Even though S3 is an excellent version, I am still eager for the new version, because the changes are very interesting and attractive. Nobody knows which champions and what strategies will become mainstream in the preseason tournaments.

Are you guys excited for the new season? Let's await the Preseason together!

Bloodthirsty Supports FtW ! :p

- - - Aktualisiert - - -

Hey all,

Xelnath here, stepping in for Xypherous. Let's talk about our approach to vision in preseason. We've got a lot to cover, so let's get right into it:

In terms of our overarching goal: we want to add more gameplay with vision and how vision control works for everyone in this new season. We think the best way to do that is by diversifying responsibility. Looking at Season 3, standard competitive support play involved buying minimal items in order to spend the majority of a player's income on wards and vision control. More gold = more wards. If a team's support was unable to fulfill that role, or fell behind their opponent, the entire team suffered.

With a new season comes a new approach to vision: vision will be a team focus rather than an individual one. Here we're introducing a number of changes to wards and the vision system that give all members of a team the responsibility and opportunity to participate:

* **Ward functionality has been changed.** Vision wards (pink wards) are no longer invisible. This makes their placement and protection more strategic in game
* **Each player has a personal ward limit.** If you place more wards on the map than allowed by this limit, your older wards will be removed (like the current Sightstone mechanics)
* **All players gain trinkets.** These are new items that do one of three things on an appropriate cooldown: place a ward for free, detect existing wards, or scan a distant point

Let's get down to some specifics:

###Ward Functionality Changes

* Sight Wards (green wards) have been tentatively renamed to ‘Stealth Wards'
* Vision Wards (pink wards) are now permanent unless destroyed, visible to the enemy team and have 5 hit points
* Vision Wards now cost less gold

In the current live environment, pink wards are clearly better than green wards in every respect other than cost. This frequently leads to games in which the only end-game approach to warding was spamming as many Vision Wards as a player could afford – in turn forcing opponents to pick up pink wards to counter enemy pinks. What should be an interesting strategic decision became a flat arms race.

With the new setup, the choices become more nuanced: Vision Wards still detect and reveal enemy wards, but, because they're always visible, must now be actively defended. Vision Wards will no longer both deny and grant vision unless your team has control of that area.

###Player Ward Limits

* Each player can now only place up to three Stealth Wards on the map. Placing extra Stealth Wards removes the oldest Stealth Ward. This includes wards from sources such as Sightstone, Wriggle's Lantern and trinkets
* Each players can now only place one Vision Ward (pink) on the map at a time

We've decided to introduce ward limits as a way to cap the maximum amount of individual team member can contribute to the overall vision game. We're going to watch this one closely as limiting the number of wards per player can have dramatic consequences on overall map vision, especially during the end-game. Three and one felt like the right numbers, but we're open to feedback.


Trinkets are a completely new item type coming for preseason. Here's how they work:

* A new Trinket Slot has been added to your inventory
* The Trinket Slot can only hold trinkets
* Trinkets are free and can be swapped out at the shop at any time
* Trinkets upgrade at Level 10, gaining either increased power or a lower cooldown

Trinkets are free and have their own dedicated slot, so all team members can contribute to vision control without sacrificing other areas of development.

**The Three Trinkets**

*Sweeper:* Reveals and disables nearby invisible units (including Wards) for a short time. Currently, this does not reveal invisible champions. Long cooldown and is pbae.

* The Sweeper Trinket is useful for denying enemy vision by revealing their nearby wards

*Totem:* Places a Stealth Ward that lasts for 1 or 2 minutes depending on level

* The Totem Trinket acts like the current Wriggle's Lantern active. Stealth Wards grant full vision of a location for a brief time

*Lens:* Reveals a nearby area of the map for a brief time

* The Lens Trinket operates like a mini Clairvoyance, revealing areas in the fog of war so teams can scout brush and other areas of the map from a position of relative safety

We'd like to give players more unique options for interacting with vision. Each trinket replicates one of the essential basic vision mechanics and has an appropriate cooldown. We expect that teams will want a mix of vision options available to them in order to counter their opponents' potential vision choices.

We're excited about the trinket system because it allows us to introduce a new way for everyone to participate in the vision game in ways that still offer specialization and customization. We're launching with a set of three trinkets because we wanted the simplest and clearest system possible, but we're open to expanding the system beyond the original three if it seems worthwhile.


The short rundown is that one of our main goals for this season is to make vision both more dynamic and less taxing on single players. Our hope is that these options make participating in the vision system more strategically varied for entire teams.

-Xypherous & Xelnath


TEXT:^(I wasn't allowed to put TITLE in the title)

Hey everyone,

FeralPony here to run through some high level changes coming this preseason that fall under a topic we're calling “Game Flow.” Game Flow is effectively how the core game functions and plays independently of specific roles, champions, items, etc. It's how the minions move, gold enters and leaves the map, objectives are created, and how strategic battles are won and lost. It's the systems in place that aren’t under direct player control.

So what does it include? Here's a look at some of the changes we'll be implementing this preseason:

* Kill/assist gold
* Game and objective timings (when things spawn etc)
* Objective values/rewards (Turrets, Baron, Dragon, etc)
* Experience
* Inhibitor mechanics
* Death timers
* Map layout & brush changes
* Jungle (this is a large enough system it'll be included in another post)

**Tons of Changes!**

You might be saying, “By the factions of Runeterra, Pony, that's a lot of changes!” You'd be absolutely correct, but the bulk of these are small changes meant to enhance other aspects of the game. Each of these changes have unique goals that I’d like to provide additional insight into.



We’re making some adjustments to global objectives in Summoner’s Rift.

**Dragon:** The gold and experience rewards for slaying Dragon will now increase over time.

* In the preseason, securing dragon will remain a worthwhile objective even into late game. In addition, dragon will provide more experience rewards for teams down in levels, making it a valuable objective for those who are losing heavily. Winning teams will want to keep dragon secured to retain their lead.

**Baron:** Baron buff is being shifted away from a team fighting bonus and towards more of a sieging bonus (think bonus movement speed or bonus damage to turrets)

* We wanted to shift Baron buff away from an overpowering team-wide buff that gives the buffed team an advantage in any situation. Instead, we want to clarify Baron buff as a window of opportunity to end the game.

**Turrets:** The team-wide gold for destroying turrets is going down, but the gold given to the players directly responsible for destroying turrets is going up. (Misaya mentioned he thought turret rewards were based off of damage contribution / assists, but it just grants local gold for anyone in the general area)

* This change rewards players directly for taking positive action instead of diffusing the reward by splitting it up among their teammates.

**Super Minions & Inhibitors:** Downed inhibitors will no longer make all minions stronger. Instead, minions in lanes with downed inhibitors will now push harder than before, while minions in other lanes will be unaffected.

* Clarity was the core goal here. Currently when a single inhibitor goes down it causes all minions on the winning side of the map to become stronger, thereby pushing down their lanes as well. This applies pressure to the defending team, but also allows players on that team to farm the pushed lanes in relative safety and possibly pick up a game-changing item or two. That said, it’s still very difficult to come back from a downed inhibitor because even after a great comeback play, the resurging team must still push out ALL of their lanes before the enemy team respawns. We’d like to give teams that make these epic plays a real shot at making a comeback.


**Other underlying systems:**

In addition to the changes we’re making to global objectives, we have some smaller changes to other underlying game systems:

**Bounty Calculations:** We mentioned this earlier in our support post, but we’re adding “assist streaks,” where players who have far more assists than kills will get bonus gold per additional assist. Additionally, we’re changing the way death streaks are reset. Previously, they were based only on kills and assists, but we’re looking into ways to tie in other forms of contribution. Finally, we’re also looking at bounty rewards in general and how much of an impact they have in the early game versus the mid to late game.

**Minion and Jungle Spawn Timers:** All minions and jungle camps will spawn earlier in the game.

* We’re experimenting with shaving a little time off of when minions and jungle camps spawn to get the game off to an earlier start. There was just too much idle time in between loading the match and the first moments of action. Our changes here allow almost every opening strategy to remain viable without being too generous for map-wide team shuffles.

**Brush Changes:** We’re cleaning up a lot of the L- and C-shaped brush formations so that players can gain vision of the entire brush with one ward.

* In the jungle, this means more accessible sight lines for both ward vision and anyone attempting to move through the jungle.

* We’ve also dialed back on some brush that we felt created odd combat situations. We saw situations before where one ward in one brush would leave fights stacked enormously in the favor of the team with the ward. We’ve trimmed back the brush in these regions to still allow for sight lines to be blocked and for melee champions to have a tactical zone to hide in, but brush no longer denies vision to entire battlefields when unwarded.

That’s about it for Game Flow! Some of these changes may be small, but we think that when taken together they’ll play a big role in making for a more dynamic and exciting preseason.

- FeralPony
In the jungle, the mighty jungle the Donger sleeps tonight...

  • camps spawnen früher
  • 1 zusätzliches camp (zwischen wolf und bluebuff), d.h. je drei pro kartenhälfte auf beiden seiten
  • angepasste jungle items, die mehr gold geben oder jungeln beschleunigen

We’ve got some big things coming for the jungle this preseason. The overarching philosophy for our jungle update is to create more options and possibilities for junglers of all kinds. This moves us closer to the larger goal of ensuring that all roles and positions within League of Legends can feel strong throughout and make a big impact on the endgame. Let’s take a look at some of the changes:

**The Season 3 jungle**

* Junglers are very strong early, but many are pushed into more of a supporting role by mid-game
* Junglers frequently run out of camps to farm due to laning teammates ‘poaching’ jungle monsters
* Junglers who can gank early are favored over any other type of jungler
* Junglers who fall behind early have a very difficult time getting back into the game

**Why do these things happen?**

* Jungle monsters don’t scale well

Jungle monsters grant more experience and gold (relative to minions) early in the game but don’t scale as well as minions. Therefore, ‘carry’ junglers can’t carry by farming the jungle – they must take lane farm or have multiple successful ganks if they want to achieve the same amount of gold and experience as laners.

* The tradeoff between ganking and farming is not optimal

Farming the jungle does not provide enough reward compared to the potential pay-off of early ganks. Additionally, it’s easier for some champions to keep the jungle cleared while maintaining gank pressure.

* It is better to concentrate gold onto a Marksman or Mage

In the Season 3 meta, gold was nearly always more efficient on a Marksman or Mage, regardless of position. This leads to rampant poaching of the jungle and junglers often find themselves at a clear gold disadvantage as compared to Marksmen or Mages.

**Our new season jungling goals:**

* Flexibility in the jungle

We really want more playstyles to be viable in the jungle. Junglers will have more flexibility in choosing jungle routes, and the optimal jungle route will vary more depending on your champion.

* More resources

Junglers who are more farm-centric will be able to obtain gold and experience similar to that found in solo lanes, offsetting the map pressure and lane support they give up by farming. “Farming Carry” and “Ganking Support” will both be viable play styles, with each bringing its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

* More comeback mechanisms in the jungle

While counterjungling will remain a viable strategy, the jungler who is behind will now have more ways to get back into the game.
(Some) Preseason jungling changes:

**Here are some of the changes we are planning.**

* We’ll be adding an extra camp near blue buff and the wolf camp.

By adding another camp, players can add some diversity to jungle routes and farm more resources. The extra camp creates further tradeoffs between ganking and farming the jungle because it’ll now be more challenging to keep the jungle clear. Besides that, the camp adds one more lever for us to balance area-of-effect vs. single target junglers.
The additional camp also equalizes the number of camps on the north and south side of the map, bringing the blue and purple sides of the map a little more into balance.

* Jungle monsters will scale with champion levels

Monsters will now have a ‘level’ that’ll be determined each time they spawn. This level will scale according to the average level of champions in the game. Bonus experience will be doled out if jungle monsters are a higher level than the champion killing them.

By introducing dynamic scaling and varying rewards on monster kills we’re aiming to encourage jungle farming as a viable playstyle. The varying rewards will act as a comeback mechanic and an incentive for allies to leave monsters to players who are a bit behind in the game. With the extra camp, poaching becomes less detrimental to junglers and remains a feasible way for laners to claw back an advantage in their matchup.

* More gold flow options for junglers

No specifics today, but we’re looking to pour a little more gold into junglers’ pockets. We’re exploring the idea of tying additional gold income to things like jungler-specific items instead of Smite. This idea and having more reliably scaling monsters should increase gold flow for junglers.
Again, these are a few of the changes we’ve got planned for the jungle. We’re looking forward to seeing how everyone adapts and even more excited to see how the jungler position evolves in the new season!
Aui die Müglechkeite woni hie uselise für Supports *__*
I gseh scho ADC ällei uf der Botlane, während Supports Junglecamps cleare und afö mit em Junlger ganke.
Srsly. Can't wait to play S4. D:
Executioner's Emblem, Item Cost: 365

+50 Health
+6 Health Regen per 5 seconds

UNIQUE Passive - Execute: Basic attacks execute minions below 200 Health if an allied champion is nearby. This effect can occur up to twice per minute.
UNIQUE Passive - Soul Tithe: Minions killed by Execute restore 2% of your maximum Health to the nearest allied champion and grants them gold equal to the kill plus 5.

Limited to 1 Gold Income item

So funktioniert das neue Support-Gold. Der Support kann pro Minute 2 Minions töten, und bekommt dafür das normale Minion-Gold. Der AD Carry bekommt Gold + 5 bonus gutgeschrieben. Beide bekommen also das Gold für den Lasthit von maximal zwei Minions pro Minute, also eines Minions pro Wave.

Martyr's Call, Item Cost: 675
+400 Health
+25 Health Regen per 5 seconds

UNIQUE Passive - Execute: Basic attacks execute minions below 200 Health if an allied champion is nearby. This effect can occur up to twice per minute.
UNIQUE Passive - Soul Tithe: Minions killed by Execute restore 2% of your maximum Health to the nearest allied champion and grants them gold equal to the kill plus 10.
UNIQUE Active - Healthbomb: Consumes 20% of your current Health to shield target ally for 10% of your maximum Health for 4 seconds. After 4 seconds, the target explodes dealing 10% of your maximum Health as magic damage in an area.

Limited to 1 Gold Income item

Auch erhältlich als alternative Variante mit einem interessanten Teamfight-Aktiv.

Kage's Lucky Pick, Item Cost: 765, Recipe Cost: 330

+20 Ability Power
+7 Mana Regen per 10 seconds
+4 Gold per 10 seconds

UNIQUE Passive - Spellthief: Spells and basic attacks against champions grant 8 gold,up to once every 10 seconds per enemy.Killing a minion disables this passive for 10 seconds.

Limited to 1 Gold Income item

Kage's Pick, Item Cost: 365

+10 Ability Power
+3 Mana Regen per 10 seconds
+2 Gold per 10 seconds

UNIQUE Passive - Pickpocket: Basic attacks against champions grant 4 gold, up to once every 10 seconds per enemy. Killing a minion disables this passive for 10 seconds.

Limited to 1 Gold Income item

Supportspieler mit diesem item bekommen pro Angriff pro Gegner alle 10 Sekunden 8 Gold, in einer Duallane im Optimalfall also 16 Gold alle 10 Sekunden oder auch 96 Gold die Minute. Damit AP carries dieses item nicht kaufen wird dieser Bonus deaktiviert wenn man Lasthitted.

Anscheinend kommt dieser Gegenstand in zwei Ausführungen, einer günstigeren und einer teureren Variante.

Philosopher's Pebble, Item Cost: 365

+5 Health Regen per 5 seconds
+3 Mana Regen per 5 seconds

UNIQUE Passive - Harvest: Grants 2 Gold each time a nearby minion dies that you didn't kill.

Limited to 1 Gold Income item

Philosopher's Stone, Item Cost: 700, Recipe Cost: 340

+8 Health Regen per 5 seconds
+11 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
+2 Gold per 10 seconds

UNIQUE Passive - Harvest: Grants 4 Gold each time a nearby minion dies that you didn't kill.

Limited to 1 Gold Income item

Der neue Philosopher's Stone mit neuem passiven Goldbonus, ebenfalls in zwei Ausgaben.


Die 3 neuen Jungle items mit neuen Stats...

Spirit of the Ancient Golem

Item Cost: 2100
Recipe Cost: 450

+350 Health
+10% Cooldown Reduction
+14 Health Regen per 5 seconds
+7 Mana Regen per 5 seconds

UNIQUE Passive - Tenacity: Reduces the duration of stuns,slows, taunts,fears,silences,blinds,and immobilizes by 35%.
UNIQUE Passive - Butcher: Damage dealt to monsters increased by 30%.
UNIQUE Passive - Conservation: Upon killing a Large or Epic monster, grants up to 30 bonus gold, based on the last time Conservation triggered.

Limited to 1 Gold Income item

Spirit of the Elder Lizard

Item Cost: 2000
Recipe Cost: 580

+25 Attack Damage
+10% Cooldown Reduction
+14 Health Regen per 5 seconds
+7 Mana Regen per 5 seconds

UNIQUE Passive: Deals 16-50 (based on level)true damage over 3 seconds on dealing physical damage.
UNIQUE Passive - Butcher: Damage dealt to monsters increased by 30%.
UNIQUE Passive - Bounty Hunter: Champion kills,assists and epic monsters grant 30 bonus gold and large monsters grant 10 bonus gold.

Limited to 1 Gold Income item

Spirit of the Spectral Wraith

Item Cost: 2000
Recipe Cost: 480

+50 Ability Power
+10% Cooldown Reduction
+14 Health Regen per 5 seconds
+7 Mana Regen per 5 seconds

UNIQUE Passive: 5% of spell damage dealt to monsters is restored as Health and Mana.
UNIQUE Passive - Butcher: Damage dealt to monsters increased by 30%.
UNIQUE Passive - Bounty Hunter: Champion kills, assists and epic monsters grant 30 bonus gold and large monsters grant 10 bonus gold.

Limited to 1 Gold Income item
sieht mal sehr geil aus und als main support hoffentlich einfacher ein game zu carrien
Seit ca. 'nem halben Jahr nicht mehr gespielt. Gestern wieder mal zwei Ründchen gezockt, heut eingeloggt und dann das ->

HUEHUEHUEHUE :icon_mrgreen:


Neue Masteries.... enjoy

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Neue S4 "Vision" erklärt (English)

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Und p.s. für aui wo sech frage wenn dr erschti 2014 season patch söu cho (postet worde vor 18 Stund):

Hi folks,

If you mean the next patch, (which includes some of the pre-season balance changes) we're looking at sometime next week. It'll come down to how quickly we resolve the last of the bugs, though, so don't hold me to that.


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    Egal wie dicht du bist, Göthe war Dichter!
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    besser und selber?
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    guet und dir?
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    i mean Diablo 4 natürlich, Danke.
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