[LoL] for Dummies: Warmogkaiser


Gesperrter Benutzer
25. Januar 2012
ELO Range:
Bronze 2 - Silver 3. This build works in this elo range. It may do worse (or better) above or below these leagues.


Red: Flat Magic Pen
Yellow: Flat Health Regen
Blue: Flat Magic Resist
Quint: Flat Health Regen


Consider Changing Runes + Masteries from Magic Resist to Armor if you get matched with a bruiser mid.



because fuck flash, thats why. Seriously though: Ghost + Ignite have the same cooldown, so you will be able to use them together most of the time. Flash is great for a burst mage, but this build is doing damage over time, so ghost is much better because it allows you to stick to your opponent longer while your w is ticking.






Starting Items:


First Back:
depending on lane enemy or jungle if jungle is the bigger threat.

Further Item Progression:
1. finish

2. get
if everything is going according to plan.
when faced with 2-3 fed AP's or heavy CC.
if you will finish the game in under 20 minutes (hint: you won't).


4. finish second core item
unless they completely lack one damage type. e.g.:


You won't need magic resist against these idiots.

In this situation get
if the same situation is happening with ap.

5. Adapt to the Situation.

a) You are rocking them hard, but for some inexplicable reason still haven't won (team refuses to push or something stupid like that):

b) fed bruisers/Ad Carry:

c) they also built tanky and teamfights drag on forever:

d) Fed AP on enemy team:

1) Always get 2 Wards and 1-5 pots when going back. Make sure your budget allows it before recalling. This is especially important before you get warmogs.

2) You want to be in the middle of every teamfight. Every bit of damage that hits you instead of somebody else is wasted damage. If you get initiated on, its okay to kill and ghost their bruiser first, if it saves your carry. Otherwise try to go for their AD Carry - he will make the rest of the fight 6 versus 4. If the enemy team is trying to disengage, you can also sometimes rush after the slowest of them and get a kill for free. Remember, your ultimate does not do as much damage as you maybe think.

3) you are a farm and pushmachine. very few champs can keep up with this potential. push hard and get turrets early.

4) tankkaiser is lategamekaiser. the longer the game goes the stronger you become, assuming you've been farming all this time.

5) you're pretty bad at 1vs1 fights. only go for a kill if you have harrassed down your enemy to around 30%, you have E+Ignite/ghost+Ult ready and you know where their jungle is.



/start flame
Bisch ufem neue Mordekaisertrip? Siit sich din Malzahar nid uuszahlt :p

Nei im ernst isch no en guete Guide für Aafänger :D
Ig spile momentan 4 Champs, Morde, Miss Fortune, Yorick, Twitch (wenn MF nid available). Morde isch eifach de wo für mi atm am beste funktioniert.

Jede Profi wird dir aber säge das me Morde NID eso spielt.
bin gespannt auf das ergebnis. in bronze sollte das eigentlich recht reinhauen, der build hat mich immerhin aus Bronze 2 bis nach Silver 3 gebracht :D
i würd ufpasse mit dere ussag wäge ke mr. Soraka wird die wenigi MR wode hesch shredde und de cha de Mundo fasch truedamage mitem cleaver mache (25% vo current health) we dis ziu isch se z tod z tanke söttsch das scho o beachte.
mit magic resist rune + masteries hani nid "wenig" (okei nur +20, auso es haubs negatron). und si cleaver mues de au immerno zersch dür mis schild. (morde passive) Es isch vilech nids beste bispil, das game si mer eh am gwinne gsi und einzig pantheon/darius/vayne hey schade gmacht wone rolle gspiut het. daher lieber no meh armor.

es gilt wie immer dr asatz - nid stur dr glich build verfolge sondern dr situation apasse.
Du bausch zersch z einte wode meh bruchsch und när no z andere
aso 1. z.B. z Zepter und bi 4. när Sunfire
wenn geg ad lanisch rushisch sunfire, wenn geg ap lanisch rushisch abyssal.
ner bausch boots + warmogs und s angere vo dene zwe items wono fehlt.

d reihefolg isch nid super streng. me cha se apasse je nachdem was me brucht.
Öppis hani no vergesse - Warmogs het natürlech Synergie mit aune Items wo HP gäbe - d.h. sobaud me Sunfire+Warmogs fertig het het me nomau e dütleche sprung a tankyness
das wär glaubs mal was für mich zum wieder mal driicho, da ich eh immer am liebste eine uf tanky gmacht han (mitem malphite)
A few things, that might or might not be known.

Legendary Armor

This works on bonus stats only, excluding base stats and per level stats. Hence you are looking at runes, masteries, item stats and spell bonuses only. So the champions recieves 2.25 armor from a Sunfire Cape and 2.25 magic resist from Abyssal Scepter for a three mastery point investment. If you get a Randuin's on top of that you are looking at a 5.75 armor bonus. Add the Creeping Death bonus on top of that providing a total bonus of 7.25 armor.
Consider putting one point in Defender instead, leaving you with a 3.5% bonus, but granting a possible +2 to +5 armor / magic resist bonus in teamfights. It's stronger early and mid game.

As you usually want to top off your health pool and rarely want to stick around for a prolonged time having a low health bar this mastery has diminishing returns.

Boots of Swiftness / Relentless

Movement slowing effects are reduced by X% reduces the effectiveness of slows, unlike Tenacity, which reduces the duration. Both of these effects stack multiplicative. Boots of Swiftness turn a 40% slow into a 30% slow.

Tenactiy is superior in almost any way, especially since you can get 35% and 15% very easily, effectively almost halving (45% Tenacity) any CC applied to you, including slows. And since getting both at the same time is impossible, unless you want to buy two sorts of boots, I recommend sticking with Tenacity.

Movement Speed alternatives
Quintessences, Twin Shadows (also great on Twisted Fate)

Abyssal Scepter
The range is 700. Morde's ultimate is 850. So if cast at max range you don't get the magic resist debuff.

Reinforced Armor
This is basicly a free Ninja Tabi against Crits. Possibly the best late game mastery in the game, along with Good Hands.

Obviously we cant have everything. It's either early game strength, late game power or some mix. Personally, I'd probably run this (vs AP).
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