Ein neuer Stern am FPS Himmel incoming!?!

Hab auch mal 11 Pfund investiert. Doom konnte mich leider nicht so krass fesseln... die ganzen Loadouts und so überall können schon nerven :p.
Find das Vid ja scho mal super. Für e Rundi zwüschedure isch doch sones schnälls Quakegeballer immer guet. Kei Missione, kei Klasse, nur Geballer. ?
Zuletzt von einem Moderator bearbeitet:
Mittlerweile sind knapp 140k zusammen gekommen.
Somit wurde das 120k Goal ebenfalls erreicht und es geht ans 150k Goal. Noch bleibt der Kampagne 9 Tage bis zum Ende! Hoffen wir auf noch weitere Backers und das erreichen des 150k Goals. Dann wird es auch einen Co-Op Mode (Survival) geben :)

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Hello everyone,
A bit of a late update here. We felt somewhat like the picture above after the Kickstarter and needed a few days of rest before we got back into the swing of things at the office. But it’s Monday now, and our first day back at work with the whole team. I just wanted to do a small update letting you know what the status of the rewards is and where we are focusing our efforts, so let’s begin!
First off, we will start contacting everyone who backed via Kickstarter or the email associated with the PayPal account that you backed us from. We will ask you for additional information that we need to deliver the rewards.
Here’s a status on where we are with some of the rewards:

  • BattleRite Beta - We will send out keys to your emails before September the 20th.
  • T-Shirts - We are currently working on improving the design, and should have a final version that DesignByHumans can start printing by next week. We will contact you for sizes and addresses.
  • Poster - Some iterations are needed to ensure quality before printing. Size-wise we are looking at something between A1 and A0 format.
  • Limited edition Diabotical Statue - This may take up to 6 months, we are having a back and forth about some details before it goes into production.
  • Comic book - We have a basic storyboard, but like the statue it will take some time.
  • Making of Diabotical, art and story book - As we concept up more of the game over this year, this will start taking shape at a similar speed as the comic book.
  • Esport EXP Rewards - I will start contacting the personalities about how their schedules will look like from now till December. Then, contact the backers about potential best times to join up with them for some gaming.
  • There are of course more rewards to deliver than what I listed above, but we will start contacting backers about those too!
  • Closed Beta Access - There is still no estimated time of arrival on this, but let me give you some information on what we are working on at the moment.
  • The Game - We will be putting up a development blog soon on our site, and we’ll continue with Twitch stream updates when we have something good to show or need feedback as we move forward. Currently the three biggest game development tasks to tackle are:
  • Polishing the multi-user map editor - This will be our top priority over the next month or so.
  • Creating 2 new weapons - This should take a month and we’ll feature them in our new update.
  • Polishing current game modes and creating new ones - We hope to show more and more gameplay as we get closer to the beta phase.
Of course there is a lot more going on than just this, but these are some milestones we hope to hit short term, which will help us focus on pulling together the product and getting the game ready for the closed beta and in your hands!

Again, thank you all for backing Diabotical. Feel free to private message us on the Kickstarter page, /r/diabotical, hello@thegdstudio.com, or talk to us on Discord @ chat.diabotical.com.
Yapp ist sehr geil woop woop.
Bei mir gabs aber eine Komplikation mit der überweisung ahahaha.
Ich hoffe es hat ezt im Nachhinein doch noch geklappt. :S

Habe eine Prepay kredit karte, scheinbar war nicht mehr genügend Cash drauf. Nun ist sie wieder geladen und ich glaube so wie es im mail stand, wird am 8.9 nochmals versucht den cash abzubuchen, dann sollte es eigentli klappen :p
Also AemJaY ich denke du hast sicher schon die Beta gezoggt. Wie siehts aus? Hätte gerne ein paar Infos.
Hello everyone, there has been an update on Twitch concerning the future platform and price point of the game.
You can watch the VOD here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/521442816
Diabotical will be going to the Epic Games Store and will be free-to-play.
Kickstarter backers who wish to receive a refund will be refunded since the game has not been delivered on time and since the game will now be exclusively on the Epic Games Store. In order to receive a refund, Kickstarter backers should send a message to the project creator by clicking this link or going to the Diabotical Kickstarter page, then under "Created by" click on "The GD Studio", and then click "Contact me". Those who backed via PayPal and wish to get a refund, please send an email to hello@thegdstudio.com with your information.
When it comes to the game being available, there will be a period of testing weekends probably in February, where the game will first be available to Kickstarter backers under an NDA and then to more people as keys are distributed for upcoming weekends. These weekends will have limited modes and features. From weekend to weekend the team will work on patches to improve the game based on feedback, bring different content and features into the game, and scale servers until the game is released. The release itself will possibly be around the time of GDC in March hopefully with some promotion with Epic's help.
Kickstarter backers will also receive the battlepass for free, and in-game item rewards depending on their Kickstarter pledge tier.
Epic Games has funded the studio which is what will allow the game to be released free-to-play, for the servers to scale for free-to-play, for the team to keep working on the game for at least 2 years after release, to have some funds for the esports scene, and some help in promoting the game. Things that we think will lead to a better game than it would have been without Epic's support, and we think it will lead to a bigger community which will be better for the game's matchmaking, content and longevity. The studio remains in control of the game.
For maps and other user content created for Diabotical, the official Diabotical website will have a section where people will be able to submit it. In the future as more features come to the Epic Games Store it might be possible to use their services instead.
For the 2020 esports plan, 250,000 USD have been put aside, with the preseason of 100,000 USD starting some time after the game has been available in order for players to have time to play the game, like some testers have had. Communities around the world will be supported and the activity in different regions will be monitored in order to hopefully support them in the future.

For some timestamped notes from the stream: https://www.reddit.com/r/Diabotical/comments/ean4yp/december_2019_update/
Recently promEUs did 2 map editing streams finalizing wo_prb_04, December stream #1, December stream #2
Latest patch notes: https://trello.com/c/N4eiL2Mi/243-dec-14-2019
We understand that some will not be happy with this decision and understand that they would prefer to get a refund. We think that going in this direction will lead to a better game which is why we have made this decision (anyone who opts for a refund is of course welcome to play the game for free when it becomes more widely available during one of those later testing weekends or when the game is released).
We would like to sincerely thank all of the people who have backed the game on Kickstarter and PayPal for they have helped us a lot in continuing the development of the game.

\The GD Studio
Hallo Community

Ich wollte hier auf ein wirklich spannedes Kickstarter Projekt aufmerksam machen. Ursprünglich komme ich aus dem FPS Bereich, ich war und bin mit Leib und Seele ein Quake Spieler. Leider hatten wir FPS Spieler in lezter Zeit nicht mehr viel zu lachen geschweige den zu spielen. Doch dies versucht nun seit Zwei Jahren James aka 2GD zu ändern.

Wer die GD Studios nicht kennt, der kommt wohl nicht aus der FPS Ecke, seis drumm. 2GD und diverse bekannte eSport gesichter versuchen nun das FPS Genre wieder zu beleben. Es soll ein neuer Arena Shooter mit alten Qualitäten werden. Und dafür benötigen Sie nun noch etwas Cash um das Produkt fertig zu stellen!


Ich habe natürlich instant zugegriffen und das Projekt unterstützt. Ich hoffe sie kriegen das Kickstarter ding durch, und wir können uns bald wieder einem FPS Game widmen und mit Rockets sowie Railguns die Arenen erkunden!

Kickstarter Link

Youtube Trailer Short:

Ich hoffe hier einige FPS Fans motivieren zu können das Projekt ebenfalls zu unterstützen! go4it!!

Was für eine Enttäuschung. Never again!
Chasch chli elude? nur wegem epic store oder au grundsätzlech punkto delivery vom game und de ziel?
Chasch chli elude? nur wegem epic store oder au grundsätzlech punkto delivery vom game und de ziel?

Also hans schnell überfloge. Schinbar hend dEntwickler es ned uf dReihe bracht, trotz de erfolgriche Kickstarter Kampagne, das Game rechtzitig fertig zbringe, das isch die offiziell Erklärig. Darum hend sie sich bi Epic unterstützig gholt, was zur Folg het dass es exklusiv im Epic Store wird erhältlich si und Free 2 Play. Deswege kamer jetzt als Kickstarter Geld zrug verlange.

Inofiziell würi sege Epic het gseh, dass da Potenzial ume isch bi dem Game, zum eifach Geld mache, da ja en grossteil vode Entwicklig abgschlosse isch, und es guets Agebot ade Entwickler gmacht und die hends agno will hüt eh all nur no Geldgeil sind.
Me het e Community ka wo sogar meh Geld het welle spende demits das Game wird wo versproche worde isch. 3 Joor e grosses hi und her mit leere verspräche. 3 Joor isch d'Community dehinter gstande und het gholfe ka dases was ahständigs wird und nid so e 0815 Shooter. Nach 3 Joor (devo 1,5 Joor wo si eifach keini Updates me postet händ) kunnt jetzt e "Fuck it" mir gönd zu Epic.
ja das isch definitiv trurig. Bi scho zimli krass enttüscht vom 2gd...
Ich bhalts witerhin ma im aug, aber ja im grunde isch das game gstorbe. nöd wäg epic sondern wäg de entscheidig und de verarschig...
So es ist soweit! Heute Abend startet endlich die erste Closed Beta!
Ich habe mich dazu entschieden zum kommenden Spiel eine kleine aber feine Community Seite zu starten. Ihr dürft gerne mal vorbeischauen


zudem verlose ich auf dem Twitter Account der Diabotical Community einen Key. Wer also noch keinen hat, kann gerne am Gewinnspiel teilnehmen. Viel Glück:

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ja guet, meinige ändered sich. den erfahrt mer chli me was d hindergründ gsi sind, d meinig ändered sich wieder.
den ändlich nach 4 jahr gids infos und es gad tatsächlich los.
den hed mer ändli d möglichkeit zums aspile und siehe da es packt eim wieder voll.

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  1. Yodenko Yodenko:
    Egal wie dicht du bist, Göthe war Dichter!
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    besser und selber?
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    guet und dir?
  4. benserker benserker:
  5. oNdsen oNdsen:
  6. AemJaY AemJaY:
  7. Yodenko Yodenko:
  8. corerulez corerulez:
    i mean Diablo 4 natürlich, Danke.
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    Grüezi mit de Hand, Kann öpper wo daminrecht het im TS en Diablo3 Channel mit 2-3 Teams erstelle? Wär mega nett, danke!
