CoD4 Config Tweaks


Dü Furz
15. März 2008
Hab mal gehört ihr sucht Teaks... keine Ahnung ob das was brauchbares ist ;)
*Note, taken off some forum, think it was CoD4gamers or something*


One important command to use is: /cg_fov 80
The default "field of view" is 65 degrees. The max is 80. This command will widen your veiw, being both more comfortable and increasing your range of visibility, which is always a good thing

Setting your game to the highest quality
In the option menu you can only select "model quality" to "LOW" or "MEDIUM", you can change it manually from CFG file to setup it to VERYLOW or HIGHEST, but remember, when you enter to graphics options the name of the tweak will be missing, example:


These are the commands to use:

seta r_lodbiasrigid "0"//Level of detail of static objects (-1000=better to 0=lowest)
seta r_lodbiasskinned "0"//Level of detail of skinned objects (-1000=better to 0=lowest)
seta r_lodscalerigid "4"//Level of detail of static objects (1=best to 4=worst)
seta r_lodscaleskinned "4"//Level of detail of skinned objects (1=best to 4=worst)

seta r_lodbiasrigid "-1000"//Level of detail of static objects (-1000=better to 0=lowest)
seta r_lodbiasskinned "-1000"//Level of detail of skinned objects (-1000=better to 0=lowest)
seta r_lodscalerigid "1"//Level of detail of static objects (1=best to 4=worst)
seta r_lodscaleskinned "1"//Level of detail of skinned objects (1=best to 4=worst)

Framerate Boost of each setting
Here is the FramerateBoost of each setting. Here are only the more importants, 1 or less were ignored.

Console Settings:

seta r_lodscalerigid "1" VS seta r_lodscalerigid "4" 9%
seta r_lodbiasrigid "-1000" VS seta r_lodbiasrigid "0" 27%

Ingame settings:

Model Detail "NORMAL" VS Model Detail "LOW" 13%
Shadows Enabled VS Shadows Disabled 18%
Dinamic Lights "Normal" VS Dinamic Lights "OFF" 5%
Smoke Smoothing "ON" VS Smoke Smoothing "OFF" 12%

Config Tweaks
seta r_aaalpha "0" //anti-aliasing transparency method (0=off 1=fast Dither 2=SuperSample)
seta r_aasamples "1" //antialiasing 1 to 16 (1=Off 16=Maximun)
seta r_altmodellightingupdate "0" //Alternate lighting method (0=Alternate 1=Normal) *needs restart
seta r_autopriority "1"//When the game is minimized automatically change to low priority (1=lowpriority 0=no)
seta r_cachemodellighting "1"//Cache for models lighting (0=no 1=Speedup)
seta r_cachesmodellighting "1"//Cache for statics models lighting (0=no 1=Speedup)
seta r_depthprepass "1"//Dont know (0=Default 1=Speedup)
seta r_depthprepassmodels "1"//Dont know (0=Default 1=Speedup)
seta r_detail "0"//Detailed Shaders(0=none 1=Activated)
seta r_displayRefresh "85 Hz"//Monitor Refresh (normally 60 Hz, 75 Hz, 100 Hz)
seta r_distortion "0"//Fire HeatHAze distortion (0=none 1=Activated)
seta r_dlightlimit "0"//Number of dinamic lightings (0 to 4 lights)
seta r_dof_enable "0"//Depth of Field (0=none 1=activated)
seta r_drawdecals "0"//Enable World decals render (0=none 1=activated)
seta r_drawsun "0"//Sun effects(0=none 1=activated)
seta r_drawwater "0"//Water animation(0=none 1=activated)
seta r_envmapexponent "0.05"//Reflection exponent (0.05 to 20)
seta r_envmapmaxintensity "0.01"//Reflection intensity based on glancing angle (0.01 to 2)
seta r_envmapminintensity "0"//Reflection intensity based on glancing angle (0 to 2)
seta r_envmapoverride "0"//Reflection intensity based on glancing angle (0=none 1=Override)
seta r_envmapspecular "0"//Environment Map specular lighting (0=none 1=activated)
seta r_envmapsunintensity "0"//Max sun specular on env materials (0=none to 4=full)
seta r_fastskin "1"//Cache Skin (0=none 1=activated)
seta r_floatz "1"//Floatz, DOF, Laser Sight effects, its needed dont disable (0=none 1=activated) *needs restart
seta r_glow_allowed "0"//Need to be activated for enable Glow (0=none 1=allow glow)
seta r_gpusync "0"//Improves mouse responde losing some FPS (0=none 1=adaptive 2=agressive)
seta r_lodbiasrigid "0"//Level of detail of static objects (-1000=better to 0=lowest)
seta r_lodbiasskinned "0"//Level of detail of skinned objects (-1000=better to 0=lowest)
seta r_lodscalerigid "4"//Level of detail of static objects (1=best to 4=worst)
seta r_lodscaleskinned "4"//Level of detail of skinned objects (1=best to 4=worst)
seta r_normal "1"//Allow Shaders to use normal maps (0=none 1=Activated)
seta r_mode "640x480"//Resolution
seta r_multiGPU "0"//Activate for use SLI or CrossFire (0=single GPU 1=two or more GPUs)
seta r_outdoor "1"//Prevent to snow to go indoors (0=Snow in my Home! 1=Default, prevented)
seta r_outdoorfeather "0"//Z-feathering for Outdoors, smothed grass, Smoke? (0 to infinite) error if disabled?
seta r_picmip "3"//Texture Quality (0=Extra to 3=Low)
seta r_picmip_bump "3"//Bump Maps Quality, for relieve textures (0=Extra to 3=Low)
seta r_picmip_spec "3"//Specular Map Quality, for lights (0=Extra to 3=Low)
seta r_picmip_water "0"//Water Quality (0=None 1=Normal)
seta r_picmip_manual "1"//Set to Manual the texture selection (0=Automatic 1=Manual)
seta r_rendererinuse "0"//0=Shader 2.0 // 1=Shader 3.0 // 2=Default
seta r_resamplescene "1"//Upscale the framebuffer with sharpen filter and color correction (0=none 1=enabled)
seta r_sun_from "0"//Set sun flares from dvars (0=none 1=activated Cheat?)
seta r_textfilteranisomax "16"//Anisotropic max Filtering you can choose(1=none 16=full anisotropic)
seta r_textfilteranisomin "1"//Anisotropic min Filtering you can choose (1=none 16=full anisotropic)
seta r_textfiltermipmode "3"//0=normal 1=Trilinear 2=Bilinear 3=Disable Mipmap
seta r_uselayeredmaterials "0"//0=none 1=Enable on Shader 3.0 videocard
seta r_vsync "0"// Enable Vsync (0=none 1=activated)

seta r_fullbright "0"//Toggles rendering with or without lighting (0 or 1)
seta r_glow "0"//Enable Glow (0=none 1=activated)
seta r_lowestloddist "-1"//Distance for change to Lowest LOD (-1=close to "infinite"=far)
seta r_lowloddist "-1"//Distance for change to Low LOD (-1=close to "infinite"=far)
seta r_highloddist "-1"//Distance for change to High LOD (-1=close to "infinite"=far)
seta r_mediumloddist "-1"//Distance for change to Medium LOD (-1=close to "infinite"=far)

This is the FULL list of all available "R" commands:
seta r_aaAlpha "dither (fast)"
seta r_aalpha "0"
seta r_aaSamples "1"
seta r_altModelLightingUpdate "0"
seta r_aspectRatio "auto"
seta r_autopriority "1"
seta r_blur "0"
seta r_cacheModelLighting "1"
seta r_cacheSModelLighting "1"
seta r_customMode ""
seta r_debugLineWidth "1"
seta r_dephtprepass "1"
seta r_dephtprepassmodels "1"
seta r_depthPrepass "0"
seta r_detail "0"
seta r_displayRefresh "85 Hz"
seta r_distortion "0"
seta r_dlightLimit "0"
seta r_dof_bias "0.5"
seta r_dof_enable "0"
seta r_dof_farBlur "1.8"
seta r_drawDecals "0"
seta r_drawSun "0"
seta r_drawWater "0"
seta r_envMapExponent "0.05"
seta r_envMapMaxIntensity "0.01"
seta r_envMapMinIntensity "0"
seta r_envMapOverride "0"
seta r_envMapSpecular "0"
seta r_envMapSunIntensity "0"
seta r_fastSkin "1"
seta r_floatz "1"
seta r_fog "1"
seta r_forceLod "none"
seta r_fullbright "0"
seta r_fullscreen "1"
seta r_gamma "0.8"
seta r_glow "1"
seta r_glow_allowed "0"
seta r_glowTweakBloomCutoff "0.5"
seta r_gpuSync "off"
seta r_high "100"
seta r_highLodDist "-1"
seta r_ignorehwgamma "0"
seta r_inGameVideo "1"
seta r_lodBias "500"
seta r_lodBiasRigid "0"
seta r_lodBiasSkinned "0"
seta r_lodScale "4"
seta r_lodScaleRigid "1"
seta r_lodScaleSkinned "1"
seta r_lowestLodDist "-1"
seta r_lowLodDist "-1"
seta r_mediumLodDist "-1"
seta r_mode "640x480"
seta r_monitor "0"
seta r_multiGpu "0"
seta r_norefresh "0"
seta r_normal "0"
seta r_normalMap "Unchanged"
seta r_outdoor "1"
seta r_outdoorFeather "8"
seta r_picmip "1"
seta r_picmip_bump "1"
seta r_picmip_manual "0"
seta r_picmip_spec "1"
seta r_picmip_water "0"
seta r_polygonOffsetBias "-1"
seta r_polygonOffsetScale "-1"
seta r_portalBevels "0.7"
seta r_preloadShaders "0"
seta r_rendererInUse "Shader model 2.0"
seta r_rendererPreference "Default"
seta r_resampleScene "1"
seta r_singleCell "0"
seta r_specular "1"
seta r_sun_from "0"
seta r_sunsprite_size "16"
seta r_texFilterAnisoMax "16"
seta r_texFilterAnisoMin "1"
seta r_texFilterDisable "0"
seta r_texFilterMipBias "0"
seta r_texFilterMipMode "Unchanged"
seta r_textfilteranisomax "1"
seta r_textfilteranisomin "1"
seta r_textfiltermipmode "3"
seta r_useLayeredMaterials "0"
seta r_vsync "0"
seta r_zfar "0"
seta r_zFeather "1"
Re: CoD4 Config Tweaks

nice & thx phil! ist tweaking gleich wichtig wie in schnellen shootern wie ETQW?
Re: CoD4 Config Tweaks

hmm gute frage Ich denke mal ja ;) man kann sicherlich auch die Übersichtlichkeit des Spiels optimieren ;)(Gegner besser sehen) oder so was ;)
Re: CoD4 Config Tweaks

hab keine lust auf matchtexturen. hoffe nur, dass man zB gras net abstellen kann. (skipstuff 1 ;) )
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  1. Yodenko Yodenko:
    Egal wie dicht du bist, Göthe war Dichter!
  2. Yodenko Yodenko:
    besser und selber?
  3. oNdsen oNdsen:
    guet und dir?
  4. benserker benserker:
  5. oNdsen oNdsen:
  6. AemJaY AemJaY:
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  8. corerulez corerulez:
    i mean Diablo 4 natürlich, Danke.
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    Grüezi mit de Hand, Kann öpper wo daminrecht het im TS en Diablo3 Channel mit 2-3 Teams erstelle? Wär mega nett, danke!
